Never Seeing through Your Colorful Life Our life is like a polygon rhombus. Some are happy with their success; some are unhappy with their failure. We can not be successful without the experience of failure. Why do you lose heart once you meet with failure? Why do you think you yourself will see through the vanity of life since then? A young and inexperienced fellow will be doubtful about everything he sees in the society, because he feels that what he reads from the books and what he sees in the real world seem to be two extreme different worlds. He will say everything seems hypocritical to him. Form him, truth, good-and-honest, virtue and self-sacrifice for justice and self-sacrifice for saving another seem hypocritical. They are all like castles in the air. For him everyone in the world seems to dress himself in a mask as flowers that will be blooming soon. When he meets with all these in the world, he cannot help himself but to sign, I would rather live in the leisure world alone in life. But actually, when one sees the world itself, he makes great progress, which means that he is experienced and knowledgeable. However, God enables us to reform the world, why dont you seek for self-development by reform the world, on the base of your experience and knowledge about the world? Seeing through your life, means ending your life. When you think every life is such, you will always complain and lose heart. When you act like this, you will lose your spirit, your belief and idea. On the contrary, all those who seek and struggle with their firm belief will say with smiles How happy we are! even though life may be cruel and hard on them. 现实生活是多棱的,有成功的喜悦,也有失败的痛苦。经不起败阵的考验,无以做成功的主人,一时一度的失意,何以从此悲观失望,自以为看破红尘呢? 一个初出茅庐的青年,他会怀疑社会上的一切,因为他感到现实与书本近乎两个极端。一切都是那么虚伪,什么真、善、美,什么舍身取义、仗义救人,都是空中楼阁似的虚无缥缈。人人都戴着面具,好像要把自己装扮成含苞欲放的花朵似的。于是不禁叹道:还是一生一世生活在那个虚幻的世界里好。事实上,认识了世界的真面目本身就是一大进步,这比那些只会称赞七彩人生的人有见识多了。然而,上帝赋予我们改造世界的权力,为什么不在体验、认识周围世界的基础上,通过改造世界,寻求自身的发展呢?...... 看穿人生也等于生命的结束,因为一旦你自以为人生莫不如此,就会怨声载道,垂头丧气,也就丧失了人类的灵魂──信念与理想。相反,那些怀有坚定不移的信念和追求的人,即便人生对他苛刻得近乎残酷,他也会微笑着说:我仍然是一个无比幸福的人。