*A Speech on the Party#晚会致词My fellow soldiers and students, New Spring Festival is coming to us with no more than ten days. Before the festival comes, let me, on behalf of all the officers and soldiers present, express our sincere thanks to the teachers and students here who just gave us wonderful performance full of profound sentiments of friendship. The teachers and students from our cooperative unit: No 29 Middle School of Jilin City is together with us as our relatives. They brought us special gifts. The students who performed today on the stage seem to be as old as our soldiers are. But your performance filled with skillful and profound sentiments of friendship touched and attracted our younger officers and soldiers. Your performance enhances the festival atmosphere at the military camp. Your performance comforts our soldiers who miss the parents and relatives. Your performance strengthens our soldiers resolve to defense our motherland and her boundaries. I am terribly sorry to say that we have not enough soldiers to take the seats here today. But what excites us is that the special place is full of singing and laughing and full of atmosphere of good healthy, unity, happiness. The singing and laughing shows our mutual belief and support! The friendship between us is as close as fish and water! With these entire atmosphere, singing and laughing, I believe the difficulty beaten us in managing school and in entering school will be overcome. With all these we will have the unselfish support for the army and the tradition of love of people will bring to greater height of development. To end my speech, I would like to suggest a warm applause to the teachers and students on the stage. May the applause resemble the magnificent results of the cooperative establishment between us. May the applause bring happiness fruit of the cooperative establishment between us. At the same time may the teachers and students make greater progress in teaching and learning! And happy New Year to all of you! Thank you all!战友们,同学们: 再有十多天就是春节了,在新春佳节即将来临之际,我们共建的单位吉林市 第二十九中学的师生们以亲人的身份,带着特殊的礼品走到各位身边,让我代表在座的官兵对师生们的精彩表演所抒发出的深情厚意表示诚挚的谢意! 今日登台演出的同学们与我们战士的年龄相差无几,同学们浓厚的艺术细胞和异彩纷呈的表演震撼撞击着青年官兵,增强了军营的节日气氛,抚慰了新战士的思亲之情,坚定了广大战士戊边卫国的豪情壮志。#p#分页标题#e# 遗憾的是由于部队人员少致使座有虚席,令人兴奋的是整个会场却洋溢着歌声、笑声,充满了健康、团结、祥和的气氛和色彩。这笑声、这气氛、这色彩更加烘托折射出我们彼此之间是何等地相互信任和支持,鱼水情谊是何等地深厚与浓郁!有这歌声和笑声,凭这气氛和色彩,我相信双方之间的办学困难、入学难题都将化为乌有,随之而来的是智力拥军的无私奉献,爱民传统的发扬光大! 最后,让我们把掌声送到前台装入师生心中,让这掌声在彼此之间的心灵深处开出美丽的共建之花,结出丰硕的共建之果!同时也预祝师生教学相长,新春愉快! 谢谢各位!