“And perhaps most important, it will require us to share with our fellow Americans and, increasingly, with our fellow citizens of the world, the economic benefits of globalization, the political benefits of democracy and human rights, the educational and health benefits of all things modern, from the Internet to the genetic encyclopedia to the mysteries beyond our solar system。
“Now, we may not be able to eliminate all hateful intolerance, but we can develop a healthy intolerance of bigotry, oppression and abject poverty。
“We may not be able to eliminate all the harsh consequences of globalization。
But we can communicate more and travel more and trade more in a way that lifts the lives of ordinary working families everywhere and the quality of our global environment。
“We may not be able to eliminate all the failures of government and international institutions。
But we can certainly strengthen democracy so all children are prepared for the 21st century world and protected anklin was often seen in Independence Hall, looking at a painting of the sun low on the horizon。
When at long last the Constitution finally was signed, Mr。
Franklin said, I have often wondered whether that sun was rising or setting。
Today, I have the happiness to know it is a rising sun。
“Well, two centuries later, we know the sun will always rise on America as long as each new generation lights the fire of freedom。
Our children are ready。
So again, the torch is passed to a new century of young Americans。