话筒的使用看似是小事一桩,但如果使用不当,也可能会让你在台上尴尬不已。下面就教您如何使用好话筒。How to use the microphone如何使用话筒You must speak up and project your voice even if you are using a microphone;即使是用话筒,也要声音响亮并运气发声;Your voice should be resonant and sustained when you speak;声音要有回声并能稍持续一阵儿;Pitch your voice slightly lower than normal.
Listeners tend to associate credibility and authority with a relatively deep voice;音调要定得比正常讲话时低一些,听众往往把可信度与权威性与一个相对低沉的声音联系在一起;Try to end declarative sentences on a low tone without, however, trailing off in volume;尽量用降调结束陈述句,但不要减弱音量;Slow down.放慢语速。