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ted演讲稿:A life of purpose

2024-08-07 05:46:18 来源:演讲稿网作者:清正廉洁演讲稿 点击:207次


  I'm often asked, what surprises you about the book? And I said, that I got to write it. I would have never imagined that, not in my wildest dreams did I think -- I don't even consider myself to be an author. And I'm often asked, why do you think so many people have read this? This thing's selling still about a million copies a month. And I think it's because spiritual emptiness is a universal disease. I think inside at some point, we put our heads down on the pillow and we go, "There's got to be more to life than this." Get up in the morning, go to work, come home and watch TV, go to bed, get up in the morning, go to work, come home, watch TV, go to bed, go to parties on weekends. A lot of people say, "I'm living." No, you're not living -- that's just existing. Just existing. I really think that's there's this inner desire. I do believe what Chris said. I believe that you're not an accident. Your parents may not have planned you, but I believe God did. I think there are accidental parents; there's no doubt about that. I don't think there are accidental kids.


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  经常有人问我,这本书使你惊讶的是什么?我说,是我要写它的决心。我本来根本想像不到,即使是在我最荒诞的梦里面也没有想到——我甚至没有料到自己会成为作家。也经常有人问我,你认为是什么原因这么多人看过你的书?这本书现在还每个月销售1百万本。我认为这是因为精神上的空虚,这是整个地球的通病。我觉得在内心深处,我们倒在枕头上面就想:“人生中肯定应该有比我现在的生活更多的东西。”每天早上起床,上班,回家看电视,睡觉,早上起床,上班,回家看电视,睡觉,周末去和朋友聚会。很多人说:“我在生活”。其实不是,你不是在生活——那只是活着。只是活着而已。我真的认为内心深处有这个(不只是活着的)渴望。我的确相信耶稣基督说的话。我相信你来到这个世界不是碰巧偶然的。你的父母可能没有计划你,但是我相信上帝计划了。 我认为有偶然碰巧成为父母的,这一点毫无疑问。但是我认为没有偶然产生的小孩。


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  And I think you matter. I think you matter to God; I think you matter to history; I think you matter to this universe. And I think that the difference between what I call the survival level of living, the success level of living and the significant level of living is, do you figure out, what on Earth am I here for? I meet a lot of people who are very smart, and say, "But why can't I figure out my problems?" And I meet a lot of people who are very successful, who say, "Why don't I feel more fulfilled? Why do I feel like a fake? Why do I feel like I've got to pretend that I'm more than I really am?" I think that comes down to this issue of meaning, of significance, of purpose. I think it comes down to this issue of: why am I here? What am I here for? Where am I going? These are not religious issues -- they're human issues.

  并且我认为你是重要的。我认为你对上帝重要,对历史重要,我认为你对这个宇宙重要。我认为在我称为生存水准的生活,成功水准的生活,和意义重大水准的生活之间的区别是:你是否弄清楚了:我在这个世上到底有什么意义?我碰到过很多非常聪明的人,但是他们说:“为什么我弄不明白自己的问题?”我也遇到过很多非常成功的人,他们说:“为什么我老觉得缺少点什么?为什么我感觉像一个假货?为什么我感觉,必须要假装比真实的我更强?我认为追根究底这就是我要讲的人生的意义,重要性,或者说目的。我认为这个问题本质上是问:我为什么活着?我活着是为了什么?我要走向哪里去?这些不是宗教问题—— 而是整个人类的问题。


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  I wanted to tell Michael before he spoke that I really appreciate what he does, because it makes my life work a whole lot easier. As a pastor, I do see a lot of kooks. And I have learned that there are kooks in every area of life. Religion doesn't have a monopoly on that, but there are plenty of religious kooks. There are secular kooks; there are smart kooks, dumb kooks. There are people -- a lady came up to me the other day, and she had a white piece of paper -- Michael, you'll like this one -- and she said, "What do you see in it?" And I looked at it and I said, "Oh, I don't see anything." And she goes, "Well, I see Jesus," and started crying and left. I'm going, OK, you know. Fine. Um. Good for you.



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  When the book became the best-selling book in the world for the last three years, I kind of had my little crisis. And that was: what is the purpose of this? Because it brought in enormous amounts of money. When you write the best-selling book in the world, it's tons and tons of money -- and it brought in a lot of attention, neither of which I wanted. When I started Saddleback Church, I was 25 years old. I started it with one other family in 1980. And I decided that I was never going to go on TV, because I didn't want to be acelebrity, I didn't want to be a, quote, "evangelist, televangelist" -- that's not my thing. And all of a sudden, it brought a lot of money and a lot of attention. I don't think -- now, this is a worldview, and I will tell you, everybody's got a worldview.

  当这本书在过去3年成为世界上最畅销的书,在某种程度上是我的小危机和困惑。那就是,这个东西的目的是什么?因为它带来了巨额的金钱。当你写了世界上最畅销的书,那就意味着成堆成堆的钱。并且它也带来很多别人的关注。而这两个东西都不是我想要的。我开办马鞍峰教会(Saddleback Church)的时候25岁,那是在1980年我和另一个家庭成员一起开办的。我当时决定永远不上电视,因为我不想成为一个名人,我不想做“传福音者,电视传福音者”——那不是我喜欢的。而突然,这本书带来了大量的金钱和关注。我不认为——其实,这是一种世界观,我跟你说,每个人都有自己的世界观。


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  Everybody's betting their life on something. You're betting your life on something -- you just better know why you're betting what you're betting on. So, everybody's betting their life on something, and when I, you know, made a bet, I happened to believe that Jesus was who he said he was. But everybody's got -- and I believe in a pluralistic society -- everybody's betting on something. And when I started the church, you know, I had no plans to do what it's doing now. And then when I wrote this book, and all of a sudden it just took off, then I started saying, now, what's the purpose of this? Because as I started to say, I don't think you're given money or fame for your own ego, ever. I just don't believe that. And when you write a book that the first sentence of the book is, "It's not about you," then, when all of a sudden it becomes the best-selling book in history, you got to figure, well, I guess it's not about me. That's kind of a no-brainer. So, what is it for?

  每个人都把他们的人生赌在某些东西上。你也正把你的人生押在某些东西上面——不过你最好知道为什么你把它押在这些东西上面。所以说,每个人都在把自己的人生赌在某些东西上面,而当我押赌注的时候,我碰巧相信,耶稣就是他所说的(自己是上帝的使者)。但是每个人——我相信在一个多元化的社会——每个人都赌在某些东西上面。我开办教堂的时候,嗯,我根本没有预计到会做现在做的事情。后来我写了这本书,突然它就极其畅销,然后我开始说,那么这个东西的意义是什么?因为我开始说,我认为上帝给你金钱或者名望并不是为了膨胀你的自我,永远不是。我相信不是。当你写了一本书而这本书的第一句话是 “这本书与你无关。”然后突然间,它成为了史上最畅销书的时候,你当然会认识到,对吧,我猜这不是关于我。那是傻子都懂的道理。那么,它的目的和意义是什么?


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  And I began to think about what I call the "stewardship of affluence" and the "stewardship of influence." So I believe, essentially, that leadership is stewardship. That if you are a leader in any area -- in business, in politics, in sports, in art, in academics, in any area -- you don't own it; you are a steward of it. For instance, that's why I believe in protecting the environment. This is not my planet. It wasn't mine before I was born. It's not going to be mine after I die. I'm just here for 80 years and then that's it.



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  I was debating the other day on a talk show, and the guy was challenging me and go, "What's a pastor doing on protecting the environment?" And I asked this guy, I said, "Well, do you believe that human beings are responsible to make the world a little bit better place for the next generation? Do you think we have a stewardship here, to take the environment seriously?" And he said, "No." I said, "Oh, you don't?" I said, "Let me make this clear again. Do you believe that as human beings -- I'm not talking about religion -- do you believe that as human beings, it is our responsibility to take care of this planet and make it just a little bit better for the next generation?" And he said, "No. Not any more than any other species." When he said the word "species," he was revealing his worldview. And he was saying, "I'm no more responsible to take care of this environment than a duck is." Well now, I know a lot of times we act like ducks, but you're not a duck. You're not a duck. And you are responsible -- that's my worldview. And so, you need to understand what your worldview is.


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  我曾经在一个脱口秀节目上辩论,有个人挑战我说,“一个牧师讲保护环境干什么?”我就问他:“那么,你觉得人类有责任让这个世界变得稍微好一点给下一代吗?你觉得在这个世界上我们有没有要严肃对待环境问题的引导责任?” 他说:“没有”。 我说:“啊?你不觉得?”我说:“让我再阐述清楚一点。你觉得作为人——我不是在讲宗教——你觉不觉得作为人,是我们的责任,照顾好这个地球,使它只是稍微好那么一点点留给下一代?” 他说:“不觉得。不觉得比其他物种要多些责任。”当他吐出“物种”这个词,他就暴露了他的世界观。他还说:“我不比一只鸭子有更多责任要照顾这个环境。”当然,我知道很多时候我们的所作所为就像鸭子一样,但是你不是一只鸭子。你不是鸭子。你的确有责任——这是我的世界观。所以,你需要懂得你的周围世界是什么,世界观是什么。


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  The problem is most people never really think it through. They never really codify it or qualify it or quantify it, and say, "This is what I believe in. This is why I believe what I believe." I don't personally have enough faith to be an atheist. But you may, you may. Your worldview, though, does determine everything else in your life, because it determines your decisions; it determines your relationships; it determines your level of confidence. It determines, really, everything in your life. What we believe, obviously -- and you know this -- determines our behavior, and our behavior determines what we become in life.



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